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GIS und Kartographie



Ich bin zur Zeit gerade am Rumspielen mit Leaflet: “an open-source JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps”


GeoJSON aus OSM exportieren

# incus cp ubuntu2404-tinytemplate osmexp
# incus start osmexp
# incus exec osmexp bash

# apt update
# apt install pipx
# pipx install osmexp
# pipx ensurepath
# PATH=$PATH:/root/.local/bin
# osmexp rel 1682225 > uster.geojson

# incus file pull osmexp/root/uster.geojson .

JSON hübsch darstellen

# cat switzerland.geojson | jq --color-output | less -R

GeoJSON optimieren

GeoJSON minifier

Precision 5 - 1.11 m roughly at the Equator Precision 4 - 11.1 m roughly at the Equator Precision 3 - 111 m roughly at the Equator Precision 2 - 1.11 km roughly at the Equator

Tool mapshaper installieren

Im Container:

# apt install npm
# npm install -g mapshaper

# mapshaper -h
# mapshaper -h simplify
# mapshaper switzerland_osm.geojson -info
Layer:    switzerland_osm
Type:     polygon
Records:  3
Bounds:   5.9559113,45.8179579,10.4922941,47.8084544
CRS:      +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84
Source:   switzerland_osm.geojson
Attribute data: [none]
# mapshaper switzerland_osm.geojson -simplify 10% -o switzerland_osm_10pct.geojson

Zwei GeoJSON Objekte zusammenfügen (merge)

# npm install -g geojson-merge
# geojson-merge brazil_prec3_10pct.geojson russia_prec3_10pct.geojson india_prec3_10pct.geojson china_prec3_10pct.geojson > BRIC.geojson
# mapshaper BRIC.geojson -simplify 10% -o BRIC_10pct.geojson

Use cases

Data sources