Search string | Meaning |
Schweiz | Search for Schweiz. |
Schweiz,Deutschland | Search for Schweiz OR Deutschland. |
+Schweiz | The word Schweiz is mandatory in the result. |
-Schweiz | The word Schweiz cannot appear in the result. |
<Schweiz | The word Schweiz that follows has a lower relevance than other words. |
>Schweiz | The word Schweiz that follows has a higher relevance than other words. |
(Zürich,Basel) | Group the words Zürich and Basel into a subexpression. |
~Schweiz | The word Schweiz contributes negatively to the relevance of the result. |
Schweiz* | The wildcard, indicating zero or more characters. It can only appear at the end of a word. |
"neutrale Schweiz" | Anything enclosed in the double quotes is taken as a whole. |