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Website improvements

  1. <html lang="en">
  2. Reduce image size to improve load performance
  3. Add Aspect Ratio to Images: width="…" and height="…"
  4. Viewport added
  5. alt="" tags to images
  6. add keywords and description to all pages!

title too short 10 -> 50-70 chars description too short 46 -> 140-180 chars -> do in all documents! body to little words 75 -> 500

semantic web is missing:

Twitter has its own meta tags that are similar to the Open Graph protocol, but uses the “twitter” prefix instead of “og”. As with Facebook, only a few are required:

Some pages to analyze your site:

HTML Vallidator / Optimizer

CSS Optimizer

CSS has a tendency to get cluttered…

Optimize can mean different things:

  • Minify
  • 0.6 -> .6
  • Remove comments
  • Combine different parts which are identically ->! Caution: as any AI it does mistakes!!!

SASS Optimizer