Gold Literatur Datenbank

Id: 854, Insertion date: 1997-04-10, Changing date: 2000-04-24
Main title:K-Ar radiometric ages of the gold-quartz veins at Brusson, Val d'Ayas, NE Italy.
Sub title:Evidence of mid-Oligocene hydrothermal activity in the northwestern Alps:
Autors:Diamond, Larry William; Wiedenbeck, M. (1986), Seiten: 385...393
Edition:(Vol. 66). :
Location:ETH-GEO (Geol P 6), ETH-KMP (P 85)
Journal:Schweizer. Mineralog. Petrog. Mitt. (SMPM)
Reference:50, 50
Keywords:Brusson Val Ayas Italy
Primary literature:Ja

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